For our summer positions, it is highly encouraged that all applicants attend and learn more about the summer academy at our information sessions. There we will two opportunities to attend:
Google Link Information:
All applicants are to apply for the positions starting on February 14th.
Below you will find two google links. The first link provides access to the job application and the second will provide access to the recommendation form.
EOP Summer Application:
The application is to be completed in its entirety. Please have all information ready to be submitted upon applying.
(Application Google Link)
EOP Recommendation Form:
The recommendation form link is to be forwarded to your recommenders. Once you have identified your recommenders, you are to share the link, and instruct them to complete it by the deadline. Below, please read and follow the criteria:
EOP Students Applicants: If you are an EOP student and you are applying for the student summer positions, then you are required to have the following recommenders:
Non-EOP Applicants: If you are a non-EOP student and you are applying for a summer position, then you are required to have the following recommenders:
(Recommendation Google Link)
The deadline for both application and recommendations are due by March 16, 2023 @ 11:59pm.
All questions about the process can be inquired via email to EOP Counselor & Recruitment & Selection Chair, Frederick Gilbert:
Application Timeline
February 2023
March 2023
April 2023
May 2023
In-Person Summer Academy Program Events:
Educational Opportunity Program
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