Fall/Spring Semesters
Academic Enrichment and Grade Improvement Services (AEGIS)/Lead Academic Mentor
Internship positions available
AEGIS (Academic Enrichment and Grade Improvement Services) is an academic mentoring program within EOP. We train mentors to work with students on academic probation. The graduate intern needs to be available for 10-15 hours a week to meet with students in the EOP's Academic Center for Excellence. The intern should be a potential role model for students, someone who has a strong empathy and trust-building skills, and who may have experienced academic difficulties themselves at one time. As the Lead Academic Mentor, the intern will be in forefront of a new academic mentoring model we have established at EOP. Based on this model, all contacts with students will not only involve content tutoring, but also evaluating and making appropriate recommendations regarding students’ overall study skills, time management, and other academic issues that may have an impact on their success.
In addition, there are numerous paid Academic Mentoring (tutoring) positions available every semester in various academic desciplines. Please contact the EOP Academic Center for Excellence at 878-6024 for more information.
Maria Brickhouse
Coordinator, Academic Center for Excellence
(716) 878-6904
Abdi Hajikandi
Assistant Director, Academic Services
(716) 878-6906
Educational Opportunity Program
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