What Is It?
The Arthur O. Eve Educational Opportunity Program (EOP) Freshman Summer Academy is a four-week residential program. The Freshman Summer Academy is an opportunity for our incoming EOP students to start their college career early. Upon successful completion of the courses, students will earn college credits while engaging with Buffalo State faculty and EOP Staff, and peer mentors. These credits are intended to build a good foundation for their first semester as a college student. They will also put students on track to meet the required credits for financial aid at the end of the first year. Students will be placed in a three-credit course which fulfills a general education requirement based on SAT/ACT scores, and a one-credit Creative Thinking course. Our courses have been specifically designed for our EOP students to inspire and promote creative problem-solving skills, learn study skills and for personal growth and academic success.
EOP Summer Academy
EOP Summer Academy 2025
Students who are accepted to Buffalo State University as an EOP student are required to attend the EOP Freshman Summer Academy. Students must stay on campus during the entire program, including weekends.
The 4-week EOP Freshman Summer Academy is from July 6 - August 2, 2025
- Registration Launch - May 1, 2025
- In-Person Move-in/Check-in - July 6, 11am - 3:00pm (Please see below for more information)
- First Year University Orientation - July 7-8, 2025
Registration deadline: June 28, 2025
*Students will receive a personalized link from Buffalo State to register.
Benefits of the EOP Freshman Summer Academy for students:
- Students are given the opportunity to build their academic skills prior to the start of fall
- All students will begin their first year of college with 4 credit hours completed, allowing them to be on target for sophomore year status without the pressure of an added class
- All students are registered for fall classes throughout the Academy
- Students develop an ongoing relationship with their EOP counselor along with making an early connection with the resources available to them through the EOP Academic Center for Excellence (ACE) in preparation for academic success
- Students are provided early assistance with all facets of the financial aid process (filing, award letter, billing, deadlines…)
- Students become familiar with Buffalo State, and its students, faculty, and staff
- Students are encouraged to take advantage of available support services within the program, on campus, and within the surrounding community
- Students become acquainted with campus technology resources (checking their Buffalo State official email, BANNER, Brightspace, Degree Works, and Campus 360)
- A built-in network of friends and mentors to help guide and support them in their first year
- Fun workshops and programming to assist with their personal, professional, and academic development
- The Summer Academy is FREE for all EOP Freshman (meals, lodging, college courses, and course materials)
Once You've Been Accepted
Students should plan to arrive to campus on July 6th between 11am – 3 pm for check-in. Check-in location will be in Bishop Hall (near the Grover Cleveland Circle). Here is the campus map.
- Once you have acknowledged, please set up your Buffalo State e-mail as this is where we will send important information. (visit Information Technology for more information)
- Register for the EOP Freshman Summer Academy by June 28, 2025 (via the personalized link sent)
- Send your HS Transcript to our Admissions Office
- Submit your Immunization Information to Weigel Health
- In-Person Move-in/Check-in Sunday, July 6, 2025, 11 AM - 3:00 PM
- Parent/Guardian Info Session, 3:30 PM
- Family Welcome Dinner, 4:30 PM - Buffalo State University First-Year Orientation - July 7-8, 2025
- Classes begin - July 14, 2025
- Classes end - August 1, 2025
- EOP Summer Academy Student Celebration - August 1, 2025, 5 PM
- Students Depart from Buffalo State University – August 2, 2025, by 9AM
Link to Other Offices on Campus
Student Leadership and Engagement
Student Accessibility Services
Weigel Wellness Center / Immunization Info
Students will receive more detailed information on the Summer Academy schedule 1-week prior to the start of the program. Please continue to check our website for updated information! Students will be assigned EOP Counselors and will receive communication via mail and e-mail. Please feel free to contact your assigned EOP COUNSELOR directly, or email us at EOP2@buffalostate.edu.