Growing up I had a great kindergarten teacher named Ms.Penada, she is my inspiration for becoming a kindergarten teacher. I work with students throughout the semester for my major, I was a Student Assistant this summer for EOP (Educational Opportunity Program) and I am also an EOP mentor. I enjoy talking and working with students anytime I have an observation or student teaching. I take pride in having a connection with students and letting them know that they have someone that they can aways talk to. I love hearing about their journey in college and sharing my experiences. Connecting with my students helps us all. I get to learn who they are and how they best learn, also give advice, and guide them to their own path. I had to realize that everyone is going at their own pace and having someone to look up to who has been in their shoes very recently. One of the best ways I have learned to create my own success is by not comparing myself and my success to others. As I said before, everyone travels at their own pace, I cannot say who is better than who when no one has the same circumstances or resources. I also make sure to take time to focus on myself, because I must be there for me, it is my life. No one will have me like I can, and I will continue to succeed. I also have four younger siblings who I know will continue to look up to me forever, they also give me motivation to be the best version of myself because I am the first person in my family to do it all. I am the first to finish high school, go to college, and go away to college at that. I do not have anyone to show me the way and it has been hard navigating life on my own, but I am making it work and will continue to try and help others in any way I
can. I also work on campus for our university as a Community Assistant in Residence Life. My main job is to create programs for the residents on campus and interact with them. I live in a first-year dorm and leave my door open most of the time to make my residents feel more comfortable, they step in and say hi all the time and even stop in to talk about a plethora of things. The job also helps me express my creative side because I am also responsible for creating bulletin boards and programs. In addition, I sit for an hour a week in the lobby of the building as a and residents can come talk to me if they need help or have any questions. during this time, I also hang up flyers around my floor to inform them about what is going on around campus. I believe anyone can be a free thinker because we are all our own people and have our own lives. I have always been someone who keeps an open mind and tries to understand everyone's point of view. I value independent thought and critical analysis of ideas. Being a free thinker is a personal belief and approach to life. It is all about expressing your perspective and mindset.
Educational Opportunity Program
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