Growing up in a place such as Syracuse NY, I have always stood out in any environment compared to my peers and friends. Seeing high rates of crime, death, poverty, and violence, I always strive to be a positive impact in people's lives and be a ray of sunlight in dark times. Never once have I been in a fight, been expelled from school, even while going to some of the worst schools in my district. I just always hoped that things could be peaceful and strive to inspire other students of color of similar backgrounds that college could be a way out. Coming to college undeclared, all I knew was that I wanted to make a change. I wanted to do something where I would be able to talk to people every day and feel confident in my profession. The Hospitality Administration program has not only set me up for success but has also help me to achieve my dreams of being able to see the world. Coming from a place like Syracuse, going out of the country had always seemed so far out of reach both financially and physically. However, college has helped me to realize that I can get my degree and travel at the same time. Now I’m able to inspire other students to study abroad and investigate options of traveling the world while in school. Now that I’m stable and confident in my major and I have learned from my bumps in the road I love to give back to EOP. Every summer I look forward to doing the EOP Summer Academy with incoming freshman. Even though my freshman year may have been completely online due to covid, I love sharing my experiences and encouraging students to learn from the mistakes I have made while building relationships with them. Having the EOP family has drastically changed my college experience and I love being able to give back and impact other students' college experiences.
Educational Opportunity Program
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